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indicates good, if she consents without any resistance, she will be true to her lover into dream you kiss a married woman and she consents, is a sign of sorrow and poverty, and that you will be unsuccessful in your present undertakings; it usually means doceit.

Knife.-To dream you give a knife to your intended, show you will lose him of her.

Ladder. To dream you climb a ladder, denotes that you will arrive at great hour it betokens also a happy marriage and many childeren.

Laurel.-A wife to dream the smell al laurel-tree shows she will have children; if a maid, she will be soon married to him whom she loves.

Letter.-To dream of receiving a letter betokens a present; if you send one you will relieve a person in bad circumstances.

Marriage.-To dream you are married, signifies the death of yourself or some mear relation to dream you assist at a wedding denotes pleasing news and great success to dream of lying with your husband or wife threatens sudden misfortunes and great dangers.

Mice. To dream of mide denotes success in love and happy marriage.

Milk. If you dream of milk, it promises great news of you see it flowing from woman's breast foretells happiness in children in trade.

A Money. To dream of getting money denote great success in all your undertakings.

Mulberries. To dream of mulberries is