to worship with, and hear the good old man who give him to God in baptism. Why even the very school-house of youthful days with thoughts of ferule and tasks, now comes back to bring pleasant remembrances of many an attachment there formed, many an occasion that called forth some generous exhibitions of the noblest traits of human nature. There perchance he first met the being, who, by her love and tenderness in after life, has made a home for himself even, happier than that which childhood knew. There are certain feeling of humanity, and those too among the best, that to find an appropriate place for their excercise only at one's own fireside.
A very "fast" young gentleman, who fancied himself a pendulum, and always went upon TICK, went on so long that he never discovered his delusion until he found a TURNKEY, by whom he was carefully woundup in the Queen's Bench.
SHORT AND SATISFACTORY.-At an American debating club one evening the question was discussed, whether there was more happiness in the possession or the pursuit of an object. "Mr. President," said an orator, s'pose I was courtin' a gal, and she was to run away, and I was to run after her, wouldn't I be happier when I catch'd her than when I was running arter her?"
"ANY OLD CLO'ǃ"-The other day I was