Children.-To dream you have children is a sign that you will be happy in your family: if one or more of them die, you will meet with some misfortune.
Cherries. To dream of cherries betokens disappointments in life, vexations in marringe, falsehood in love, and deceitful pleasure, but If you climb the tree, a sure, speedy, and unexpected advancement in life is certain to happen to you.
Coach.-To dream of riding in a conch denotes that you will love idleness, and he given to pride; to dream of coming out of a coach signifies that disgrace threatens you, and great caution is necessary.
Corn.-To dream you are gathering ripe corn denotes success in you enterprise, but if it is blighted or mildewed, you will be a great loser.
Comets.-To dream you see a comet is ominous of war, plague, famine, and death, to the lover it forebodes an entire frustration of his hopes, to the farmer, failure of crops, and for the seaman, storms and shipwreck.
Currants.-To dream of black currants denotes great happiness in the married state, if you dream you are pulling them, it is certain you will have a large family, who will all do well, but if the currants are red, he wire of false friends, those whom you little expect, for they will do you harm if they possibly can.
DANCING. To dream you are dancing at a brill, wake, or entertainment, fortels that you will worthy receive some joyful news from an absent friend, and that you are about to