Page:Good Sports (1919).djvu/109

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most savagely, "and a bag of golf clubs to while away the hours while hectic Alice is cutting and folding."

"Will you while away a few with me on the golf links?" asked Vincent.

The girl surveyed him, head on one side.

"Alas!" she sighed, "I don't even know your name."

"Hollister, V. W. Hollister." It conveyed little of interest to her evidently. She was an excellent actress. "From the planet Mars," Vincent added.

She rewarded him for that with a smile and a long look.

"My name is Oliver," she replied; "E. Oliver from Mars also."

The next morning Vincent spent two hours and a half on the golf course with Miss E. Oliver (she could play a very good game for a girl) and the evening of the following day he spent three hours with her at the theater, and the next afternoon after another two hours of golf, he whisked her away in his roadster to a pretty spot he knew about beside a rocky-bedded brook, and while she read out-loud to him from one of the light novels, he got out his knife and whittled. On the fourth day they climbed a hill which used to be a mountain when he was a boy, and for a long