Page:Good Sports (1919).djvu/152

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ought to have heard the laugh go up when he howled.

'Twas a good-natured laugh, though. 'Twas a good-natured howl, too. Everythin' was good-natured about it. Isabel's slow smile afterwards was good-natured. I was surprised. I didn't know Isabel had hid in her a gift of dealin' with the male sex, in a tellin', unoffendin' way like that. Probably she didn't know it either, like some actors don't know they can act, till they find themselves all of a sudden before the footlights.

After about fifteen minutes or so I got out from back of the wash-tubs, and strolled into the kitchen, makin' signs to the fellers who took notice of me not to let on to Isabel she'd got an unexpected visitor. I placed myself opposite her, behind a layer o' uniforms, and when there came a little gap between 'em, shoved in on the front row.

When she caught sight of me she colored up awful red 'way up under the hair she'd got curled on her forehead.

"Hello, Edwin Sparks!" she flung out at me in a kind of bravado sort of way.

"Hello, Isabel," I answered quiet, starin' at her hard, lettin' my amazement at what I was seein' and hearin' show plain as day on my face.