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telling him what he hath promised, we would get wonderful things made out by him;— concerning my sons and my daughters, and the works of mine hands command ye me:' (illegible text)ny, there is a great moyan with the Lord now as ever there was: 'he never said to any of the house of Jacob seek ye my face in vain.' Let us make use of prayer, which will not hinder us to make use of other means, and I'll allure you we'll make all our enemies tremble and shake yet———What need us fear, is not the Lord on our side? And if so, who is against us? Have we not the word of God to be our support on the day of our affliction; 'unless the law of the Lord had been our delight we had fainted;' we had declined either to what is sinful in the land, or to lying by, which is sinful also.

Now then, I say this, you see your case in a word. 'Shall the prey be taken from the mighty, or the lawful captive delivered?'—Thus saith the Lord, The prey shall be taken from the mighty, even the captive of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered: for I will contend with him that contendeth with you, &c.'——Go home with the answer of this question from the Lord: he is to arise to contend with them that contend with his people.