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Page:Goody Two-Shoes (1881).djvu/166

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The Renowned Hiſtory of

CHAP.VII. and Laſt.

The true Uſe of Riches

THE Harmony and Affection that ſubſiſted between this happy Couple, is inexpreſſible; but Time, which diſſolves the cloſeſt Union, after ſix Years, ſevered Sir Charles from his Lady; for being ſeized with a violent Fever he died, and left her full of Grief, tho' poſſeſſed of a large Fortune.

We forgot to remark, that after her Marriage, Lady Jones (for ſo we muſt now call her) ordered the Chappel to be fitted up, and allowed the Chaplain a conſiderable Sum out of her own private Purſe, to viſit the Sick, and ſay Prayers every Day to all the People that could attend.
