Go, ſaid I, and call your Maſter; but ſhe made no reply, nor could ſhe ſtir. Upon this I ſhrieked, and in came my dear Huſband, whom I ran to embrace when no ſooner had I touched him, but he became good for nothing; that is, good for nothing but his Weight in Gold; and that you know could be nothing, where Gold was ſo plenty. At this inſtant up came another Servant with a Glaſs of Water, thinking me ill; this I attempted to ſwallow, but no ſooner did it touch my Mouth, than it became a hard ſolid Body, and unfit for drinking. My Diſtreſs now grew inſupportable! I had deſtroyed, as I thought, my dear Huſband, and my favourite Servant; and I plainly perceived, that I ſhould die for want in the midſt of ſo much Wealth. Ah. ſaid I, why did I long for Riches! Having enough already, why did I covet more? Thus terrified, I began to rave, and beat my Breſt, which awaked Sir Charles, who kindly called me from this State of Inquietude, and compoſed my Mind."