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rāja (the King of Truth), Tathāgata, etc. [See Rh. Davids's B. p, 28.] B., faith in the, 226; B., I am not the first, 245; B, not Gotama, 160; B., refuge in the, 42, 60, 61, 68, 71, 150, 160, 168, 202, 206, 211, 247, 257; B. remains, Gotama is gone, 247; B. replies to the deva, 168; B., the sower, 194; B., the teacher, 177; B., the three personalities of, 252; B., the truth, 2, 161, 254; B., truly thou art, 45, 150; B. will arise, another, 245 ; B.'s birth, 8; B's death, 249; B.'s farewall address, 249; consolidation of B.'s religion, 89; Buddhas, the praise of all the, 158; Buddhas, the religion of all the, 68; Buddhas, the words of immutable, 20, 22.

Cha´nna, p. and skt., prince Siddhattha's driver.—15, 25.

Chu´nda, p. and skt. the smith of Pāvā.—237, 240, 241.

Dāgo´ba, modernised form of skt. Dhātu-ga´rbha, "relic shrine," (also called Stūpa in Northern Buddhism) a mausoleum, tower containing relics, a kenotaph.—250, 253.

Dā´namati, p. and skt., name of a village. The word means "having a mind to give."—152.

De´va, p. and skt., any celestial spirit, a god: especially of intermediate rank, angel.—Deva, questions of the, 168; Buddha replies to the deva, 168; Devas, 29, 55, 69, 92.

Devada´tta (etym. god-given) brother of Yasodharā and Buddha's brother-in-law. He tried to found a sect of his own with severer rules than those prescribed by Buddha. He is described undoubtedly with great injustice in the Buddhist canon and treated as a traitor. [About his sect see Rh. Davids's B. p. 181–182.]—86, 88, 110—112, 214.

Devapu´tta, p., Devapu´tra, skt., (etym. Son of a God) one of Buddha's disciples.—250.

Dhammapa´da, p., Dharmapa´da, skt. 131.

Dha´rma, skt. Dha´mma, p., originally the natural condition of things or beings, the law of their existence, truth, then religious truth, the law, the ethical code of righteousness, the whole body of religious doctrines as a system, religion.—40, 41, 42, 44, 57, 61, 64, 68, 71, 74, 84, 98-101, 138, 145, 146, 147, 150, 160, 168, 170, 171, 178, 179, 214, 246, 248, 250, 252, 253; let a man take pleasure in the dharma, 171; the goodness of the dharma, 134.

Dharmakā´ya, skt. the body of the law.—4.

Dharmaraā´ja, skt., Dhammarā´ja, p., the king of truth.—21, 78, 130.

Dīghā´vu, p., Dīrghā´yu, skt. t the etymology of the word is "livelong." Name of a mythical prince, son of king Dīghīti.—104–108.