Page:Gospel of Saint John in West-Saxon.djvu/13

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have been given of an unmistakable relation between the Version and the tradition of such variant readings as have been reported by the editors of the Vulgate.

Notes of a miscellaneous character require no description. For want of space they have been reduced in number and compressed in form.

The plan of the Glossary is minutely described by Professor Harris. It should be added that he has inserted references to the Notes, and contributed much to the careful study of the text by classifying definitions and idioms and by citing, at discretion, the corresponding words and idioms of the Latin original.

For a collation of the Bodleian manuscript of the Version I again record a long-standing debt of gratitude to Professor Frank G. Hubbard, of the University of Wisconsin. I am newly indebted to my colleagues, Professor Kirby Flower Smith and Professor C. W. Emil Miller, for assistance on special points in Latin and Greek. My thanks are also due to Professor E. M. Brown, the general editor of the series to which this volume belongs, for acts of courtesy and for assistance in the reading of the proofs. Professor L. M. Harris has read the proofs with special care and increased my obligations to him by helpful suggestions.

James W. Bright.

Baltimore, October, 1904.