Page:Gospel of Saint John in West-Saxon.djvu/134

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[xvii, 2-

cumen; geswutela þīnne Sunu, þæt þīn Sunu geswutelige þē:

2. and swā þū him sealdest anweald ǣlces mannes, þæt hē sylle ēce līf eallum þām þe þū him sealdest.

3. Ðis ys sōðlīce ēce līf, þæt hī oncnāwon þæt þū eart ān sōþ God, and sē ðe þū sendest, Hǣlende Crīst.[1]

4. Ic þē geswutelode ofer eorþan; ic geendode þæt weorc þæt þū mē sealdest tō dōnne.[2]

5. And nū, ðū Fæder, gebeorhta mē mid þē sylfon, [mid] ðǣre beorhtnysse þe ic hæfde myd þē ǣr ðām þe middaneard wǣre.[3]

6. Ic geswutolode þīnne naman þām mannon þe ðū mē sealdest of middanearde; hig wǣron þīne, and þū hȳ sealdest mē; and hī gehēoldon þīne sprǣce.[4]

7. Nū hī gecnēowon þæt ealle þā þing þe þū mē sealdest synd of ðē;[5]

8. for þām ic sealde him þā word ðe ðū sealdest mē; and hig underfengon, and oncnēowon sōðlīce þæt ic cōm of þē, and hig gelȳfdon þæt þū mē sendest.[6]

9. Ic bidde for hig; ne bidde ic for middanearde,

  1. C, senndest; Corp., B, C, hælynde, A, hælende.
  2. B, C, geswutolode.
  3. B, nu supplied above the line; B, gebeorta, h supplied above the line; A, sylfum; All MSS., om. mid.
  4. A, geswutelode; A, mannum.
  5. B, C, gecnewon.
  6. B, C, oncnewon; All MSS., eom (for com); C, lyfdon.