35. Sōþlīce ǣfter þām þe hig hyne on rōde āhēngon, hig tōdǣldon hys rēaf, and wurpon hlot þǣr ofer: þæt wǣre gefylled þæt ðe gecweden wæs þurh ðone wītegan, and þus cwæð, Hig tōdǣldon heom mīne rēaf, and ofer mīne rēaf hig wurpon hlot.[1]
36. And hig behēoldon hyne, sittende.
37. And hig āsetton ofer hys hēafod hys gylt þuss āwritenne, Đis ys sē Hǣlynd, Iudea Cyning[2]
38. Đā wǣron āhangen mid hym twēgen sceaþan, ān on þā swīðran healfe, and ōðer on þā wynstran.
39. Witodlīce þā wegfērendan hyne bysmeredon, and cwehton heora hēafod,[3]
40. And cwǣdon, Wā þæt ðēs tōwyrpð Godes templ, and on þrīm dagum hyt eft getimbrað; gehǣl nū þē sylfne; gyf þū sȳ Godes Sunu, gā nyþer of þǣre rōde.[4]
41. Ēac þǣra sācerda ealdras hyne bysmeredon mid þām bōcerum and mid þam ealdrum, and cwǣdun,[5]
42. Ōþere hē gehǣlde, and hyne sylfne gehǣlan ne mæg. Gyf hē Israhela Cyning sȳ, gā nū nyþer of þǣre rōde, and wē gelȳfað hym.[6]