Page:Government of the Russian Federation v Commonwealth of Australia.pdf/3

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Government of the Russian Federation v Commonwealth of Australia

Injunctions – Interlocutory injunctions – Where plaintiff's lease of land terminated by operation of Home Affairs Act 2023 (Cth) ("Act") – Where plaintiff seeks declaration of constitutional invalidity of Act on ground Act not supported by head of legislative power and contrary to s 51(xxxi) of Constitution – Where plaintiff seeks alternative declaration that operation of Act results in acquisition of property to which s 51(xxxi) of Constitution applies from plaintiff otherwise than on just terms, such that Commonwealth liable to pay reasonable amount of compensation to plaintiff – Whether plaintiff established prima facie case or serious question to be tried – Whether, on balance of convenience, compelling circumstances existed supporting interlocutory injunction to restrain enforcement of statute.

Words and phrases – "acquisition of property", "balance of convenience", "compelling grounds", "material change in circumstances", "national security interests", "on just terms", "prima facie case", "serious question to be tried".

Constitution, s 51(xxxi).
Home Affairs Act 2023 (Cth), ss 5, 6, 7.