Page:Graimear na Gaedhilge.djvu/264

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Notice also the following:—

Is mise an teaċtaire. An tú?
I am the messenger. Are you?
Ní h‑é sin ár sagart. Naċ é?
He is not our priest. Isn’t he?
Is é an fear é. Ní h‑é.
It is the man. It is not.

(c) Whenever the question is asked by any part of the verb is, followed by an indefinite predicate, the word “Yes” is usually translated by repeating the verb and the indefinite predicate, as—

Naċ fuar an lá é? Is fuar.
Isn't it a cold day? Yes, or It is.
Naċ maiṫ é? Is maiṫ.
Is it not good? Yes, or It is.
An aige atá an t‑airgead? Is aige.
Is it he who has the money? Yes.

But in this case the answer may also be correctly given by using the neuter pronoun eaḋ. Is eaḋ (or ’seaḋ for “yes;” ní h‑eaḋ for “no.”

An madaḋ é sin? Ní h‑eaḋ.
Is that a dog ? No.
An Sasanaċ é? ’Seaḋ.
Is he an Englishman? Yes.
Naċ maiṫ é? ’Seaḋ. Isn’t it good ? It is.