Page:Graimear na Gaedhilge.djvu/284

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(d) After verbs of Praying, Beseeching, Appealing to.
Iarraim ar. I ask, entreat (a person).
Guiḋim ar.
I pray for (sometimes I pray to); but generally guiḋim ċum Dé ar son &c. I pray to God for.
Impiġim ar. I beseech.
(e) After verbs of Speaking about, Thinking of, Treating of, Writing of, &c.
Laḃraim ar, I speak of. Smuainim ar, I think of.
Tpáċtaim ar, I treat of.
Sgríoḃaim ar, I write of, or about.
Cuiṁniġim ar, I remember.

(f) Verbs of looking at:

Feuċaim ar or dearcaim ar.   I look at.
(g) Verbs of threatening, complaining, offending, displeasing, &c.
Bagraim ar. I threaten.
Goillim ar. I am troublesome to.
Ġeiḃim loċt ar. I find fault with.
(h) Verbs of concealing, neglecting, hindering, forbidding, refusing, &c.
Ceilim ar. I conceal from.
Toirmeasgaim ar. I hinder or forbid.
Failliġim ar. I neglect.