Page:Grammar of the Hindi language 1938.djvu/8

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At the repeated request of many friends in India, and in view of the fact that Her Majesty’s Civil Service Commissioners for India have done the former edition of this Grammar the honour to prescribe it to be studied by selected candidates for the India Civil Service, that edition having been exhausted, I have prepared, and herewith offer to the public, a second edition, revised and enlarged.

To the ten dialects presented in the earlier edition, three more have been added: viz., the Mágadhí, the Maithilí, and the Naipálí, making thirteen which are now exhibited in the Tables. The sections and Tables which exhibit the Bhojpúrí and the Rajputana dialects have also been carefully revised, and amplified with considerable new material. The brief section in the 1st edition (pp. 44-49), on “ Dialectic Peculiari¬ ties,” has been enlarged to a full chapter (pp. 65-80, of the present edition). The philological notes have been thoroughly revised, and to a considerable extent rewritten, in the light of the advance made since 1876 in the scientific investigation of the Áryan