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Page:Great Neapolitan Earthquake of 1857.djvu/250

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This region forms part of the great seismic zone of the Mediterranean, stretching westward along the Atlas chain to the Azores, and eastward through Dalmatia, Albania, the Greek Archipelago, to Smyrna and Constantinople, and into Asia Minor, whence it bifurcates into the separate systems of Syria on the south and of the Caucasus on the north, and is one of almost constant disturbance.

Its evil celebrity has become popular through the terrible earthquake of Calabria in 1783; but the frequency and extent of its earthquakes are but little known generally.

Besides innumerable minor shocks at various points, and extending to greater or less areas, earthquakes are on record as having occurred within it in the following series of years, all of which have been of power sufficient to overthrow towns and destroy numbers of human beings, namely, in A.D.

1181 1509 1602 1654 1702 1770 1826
1230 1523 1609 1659 1703 1777 1832
1282 1537 1614 1660 1706 1782 1835
1343 1544 1617 1662 1731 1783 1836
1349 1549 1620 1670 1732 1784 1841
1446 1550 1623 1683 1743 1789 1847
1448 1551 1626 1685 1744 1805 1851
1450 1559 1638 1687 1746 1806 1854
1454 1561 1640 1688 1753 1807 1856
1456 1594 1644 1693 1756 1812 1857
1460 1596 1646 1694 1759 1814
1486 1599 1652 1697 1767 1818

or 82 great earthquakes since the commencement of the twelfth century.