strike, and dipping 35° to the S. and S. W. These are visible here and there all over the steep scarp, and at several points in ascending from the locanda, along the road at the S. W. flank. The character of the rock, which is the average of most of the breccia hereabouts, is seen in Photog. No. 133 (Coll. Roy. Soc.), taken from within forty or fifty feet of the rock; the pebbles are from three to ten inches diameter, and extremely round. The steep scarp is almost bare rock, but that to the S.W. is covered to within one-third of the height, or less, from the top, with diluvial clay, and olives grow over the whole slope. The clay is perhaps thirty to fifty feet in thickness near the base, between the road up towards the town and the Tanagro, thinning off to nothing as we ascend.
At the bed of the Tanagro, below the bridge that passes over the great military road, barom. reads 29.76 in., thermo. 51° (13th February). At the locanda, which is on the level of the valley piano or bottom, (14th February,) barom. 29.50 in., thermo. 52°; and at the summit of the town on top (13th February), barom. 29·41 in., thermo. 48°. These reduced (see table, Appendix), give for the respective levels above the sea—
The spur is therefore 242 feet nearly above the valley bottom. It can be scarcely half a mile in a right line across the base in a direction A to B of section, and perhaps two miles the long way, in its projection from the main slopes.