No one was to be found, and the house was tenantless, so I could only make external examination.
The only fissures are those marked , &c., in the west end, all in the ancient towers, and two fractures in the slender brickwork of the southern arcades. The towers have been thrown westward, off from the body of the building, and the fissures at the rëenterant quoins are 2 inches open at top, and run nearly from top to bottom of the walls, which are about 32 feet in height to the eaves, and the whole of the west end is out of plumb. The fissures in the south front are seen in Photog. No. 137. Their direction has been determined and limited at the quoin, by the form of the buttress built into it, for nearly half its height, and projecting at the base, as seen in ground plan, Fig. 139.