photographs which now are referred to and inwoven with this Report.
Before leaving the city of Naples, Professors Palmieri and Scacchi were consulted by the author, for any suggestions that they might deem desirable to make as to his examination, such as might occur to them from their prolonged familiarity with the seismic conditions of their country, and to be expected from their scientific eminence. He has to thank both for their cordial reception, and especially to record his obligations to Signor Guiscuardi, whose accurate and extensive scientific information and local knowledge were of great service to him in making his arrangements with the Government officials, and whose zealous kindness the author retains in lively remembrance.
The following Report is divided into three principal parts. In the first, the questions proposed for observation or solution are generally stated, and the methods of observation pursued in these earthquake regions to some extent indicated, with some remarks upon the physical and other characteristics of the country itself, in relation to seismical effects. The second part embraces the narration of the observations actually made and information obtained, with some primary discussion of facts in a few instances. And in the third, the facts, so far as they admit of it, are classified and put together, and such conclusions or deductions drown from them as they appear to the writer to warrant.
In these the author will, for convenience and simplicity, write in the first person.