top of this block, had stood another piece of the shaft 1 foot 4 inches high, cemented to it, in like manner at an old fracture. When examined by me, the two upper blocks had
been overthrown by the shock, and lay as in Figs. 5 and 6, Diagram 221, and as shown in Photog. No. 217, having never been moved or meddled with, the garden being an enclosure, since the earthquake. The lower and longer block was, at its lower end, within 9 inches of the stump of the shaft. The top block had been thrown over along with the one below it, had separated on striking the ground, at the top part, as the position of the other piece and the lower level of the soil than the stone base (Fig. 6) proved, and had slewed round and rolled a little off. The longer piece remained