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Abydos, siege of, 289, 298
Academics, the, 76, 314
Acarnania, 12, 169, 172, 211, 300, 335
Achaia, 38, 51, 56 ; varied meaning of the name, 340-1 ; joins Athens for a time, 142 ; revolts from Sparta, 218 ; made a Roman province, 307, 340 ; Achaean League, 274-6, 277, 283-4, 290, 293-4, 300-1, 304-5
Achaioi, 11 ; of Phthiotis, 293
Acrocorinthus, 277, 291-2, 294
Acropolis of Athens, 62 ; buildings on, 146-9
Actium, battle of, 339
Aegean, islands of the, 76-79 ; under-king of Egypt, 285-6
Aegina, mint at, 50, 57 ; gives earth and water to king of Persia, 99-100 ; war of with Athens, 107 ; forced to join Confederacy of Delos,157,162 ; purchased by Attalus, 283, 286, 290 ; desolation of, 328 ; given to Athens by Antony, 338, but taken away by Augustus, 342
Argospotami, battle of, 164, 195
Aeolians, 38, 81
Aeschines, orator, 218, 401
Aeschylus, 29, 119, 154, 264, 377-82
Aetolia, 171-2 ; Aetolian League, 273-4, 276, 278, 283, 291, 293 ; discontent of, 294, 296, 300 ; desolation of, 307 ; submits to Caesar, 335
Agathocles, 260
Agesilaus, king of Sparta, 207-8
Agis III., king of Sparta, 237
Agrigentum, 256, 259, 261
Agrippa, 342
Alcaeus, 23, 367-8
Alcibiades, 177, 181-2, 186-7, 192-4, 213
Alcman, 368
Alcmaeonidae, 67
Aleuadae, 111
Alexander the Great, 226-238 ; successors of, 235-6
Alexander IV., son of Alexander the Great, 265
Alexander the Philhellene, 215
Alexander, king of the Molossi, 255
Alexandria, foundation of, 233 ; under the Ptolemies, 271 ; Caesar at, 336 ; literature of, 23. 29, 248 ; Library at, 300, 339
Alexandria Troas, 296, 340
Amasis, king of Egypt, 84
Ambracia, 169, 172, 300, 309
Araraon, oracle of, 233
Amphiaraus, oracle of, 329
Amphictyonic League, 4, 6, 216, 218, 221, 273-4, 308, 340
Amphilochia, 335