Page:Greek and Roman Mythology.djvu/106

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92 GREEK AND ROMAN MYTHOLOGY Parcae: Homer, II. xx. 127; Hesiod, Theog. 217, 904; Old Verse : Clotho colum retinet, Lachesis net, et Atropos secat. Vergil, Eel. iv. 46 ; Ovid, Trist. v. 3, 25 ; Hyginus, Fab. clxxi. ; Shak., Pericles i. 2, 108: Till the Destinies do cut his thread of life. Tyche (Fortuna): Ovid, Trist. v. 8, 7; Vergil, Aen. viii. 334; Shak., King Henry V. iii. 6, 29.