into Bohemian; and further to encourage the cultivation of the native tongue, a convent of Slavonic monks was established in New Town. This was used as a means to cultivate friendly relations between Bohemia and other Slavonic nations. The Bohemian language became the language of court and in the government of cities and towns; but in the previous reigns, the German tongue had gained such an ascendency that even so energetic a ruler as Charles was not able to stem the tide of foreign influence.
In the year 1356 a Diet was held at Prague, at which Charles offered to the consideration of the States a new code of laws, called Majestas Carolina;Reform in Law. but it was rejected, only some of the provisions being embodied in the laws of the land.
The laws of Bohemia, like those of Germany, France, and England, had an historical basis, the decisions of the Supreme Court being recorded and used as precedents. These records were kept in Latin, although the discussions were in the vernacular. The sessions of the court were open to all; the accused could plead his own case or have counsel. At first there was a jury, but later it was discontinued. The grave faults in the laws were, that the judges appealed too often to the so-called God’s judgments. Ordeals were common, and the casting of lots also. Confusio, or Error, was also resorted to. Thus, if a person became confused or stammered, it was said that God had judged him. Charles declared that such practices were a wicked tempting of Providence, and therefore they were abolished.
More stringent laws were passed in regard to robbers. A law was passed providing that, even if such a