lower classes, finally found expression in a conspiracy to deprive Václav of the government.Revolt of the Nobles. The conspiracy was headed by his brother Sigmund and cousin Jost of Moravia. King Václav was seized by the conspirators and held prisoner until he should promise that henceforth all offices of the crown were to be filled from the nobility, and that the king should not undertake anything of importance without their consent. As Václav refused to comply with their demands, they kept him prisoner, Jost being appointed by them regent.
In the meantime, Václav’s brother John came into the country, raised an army, and prepared to make war upon the rebellious nobles. The case of Václav was not so very desperate, since all the common people were upon his side, and the burggraves of ail the citadels had remained loyal to him. Prince John easily obtained possession of Prague; but the nobles fled, taking with them the king. The war was kept up for some time, until they were compelled to restore Václav to the government. Peace, however, did not last long. Prince John dying shortly after, the lords again took up arms against their king, and this time he was compelled to give them a share in the government. Indeed, for a while they had entire control of the government, and showed the king their independence of him by putting to death four of his favorite courtiers.
These domestic disturbances greatly diminished the respect for Václav abroad. The princes of the empire complained Vàclav loses the Imperial Crown.that he neglected the interests of Germany, and appointed a meeting, where they discussed the advisability of deposing