ceded to him Austria, this union of the crown of Bohemia with that of Austria was the beginning of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy; for the Hungarians also chose Ferdinand to be their king.
At this time the Bohemians were very jealous of their liberties. Before they would consent to elect Ferdinand, they laid before him certain conditions, to which he was obliged to subscribe. Among these the most important was, that the Bohemians, in choosing him, were not influenced by any considerations of hereditary rights, but that they elected him out of their own free will. He further agreed that he would make Prague his capital; that he would take no foreigners as counselors, nor give them offices in Bohemia; and the country was to be preserved in all its ancient rights and liberties. In February, 1527, Ferdinand came to Prague, and both he and Queen Anna were crowned in the palace at Hradschin.
As has already been said, Ferdinand was also elected to the throne of Hungary, thus uniting in his own person the three powers that now form the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. The Reign of FerdinandIt was not a centralized government, but merely a federal union, each State retaining its own autonomy. But hardly was the new king established in the government when he began to make plans how he might abridge the liberties of his subjects. When Ferdinand ascended the throne of Bohemia he was but twenty-five years of age, but he possessed the traits of a man old in experience. He had a strong will, and was exceedingly politic and crafty. He could conceal his designs, dissimulate, until the favorable moment arrived, when he could carry them into effect.