As soon as Vladislav assumed the government, the lords discovered that they had entirely misunderstood his character. He proved to be a man of sound judgment and of great independence of character, and began to rule the country without any regard to the wishes of those by whom he had been chosen. The indignant nobles met, declared Vladislav incapable of government, deposed him, and elected in his place, Conrad of Znojem. Civil war again followed this election. Vladislav refused to give up the throne, and prepared to defend his rights by force of arms. Conrad gathered a large army in Moravia, and invaded Bohemia. A severe battle was fought at Males, in which Vladislav was defeated, so that he was obliged to fall back to Prague. Leaving his brother Depold in command of the city, he went to Germany to seek the assistance of the emperor, with whose aid he was finally reinstated in the government.
During this war, there was fearful devastation of the country, and much confusion in regard to the ownership of property. As this, in many cases, touched church property, the Pope sent his legate, the Cardinal Guido, to settle the difficulties. The Bishop of Olmutz had been deprived of his income because he would not join the malcontent lords, who now were compelled to make good to him his losses. Cardinal Guido also succeeded in effecting a reconciliation between Vladislav and the rebellious lords. They did him homage, and he gave them back what possessions he had in his power.
Many new regulations were introduced into the