from "seasonable" malady. When we came to power many alien elements joined us. When our best men were sent to the front, things sometimes went badly at home. Yes, we do ruthlessly criticise these darker sides in our organisation. We have done so for the last 25 years, and have fearlessly pointed out the most vulnerable spots in our party organisation. It is just on that account that we have such a powerful party, sound to its core and capable of fulfilling its historic mission. Messrs Dittmann and Crispien were telling fairy tales when they said that we in Russia have a dictatorship that makes it impossible for anybody to say a word of criticism; they said a lot about the "knout," the "quietness of the grave," etc., but they have themselves refuted them! The German workers can see now that we are capable of openly and violently criticising our own party, pointing out its maladies, and healing them as well. I said that I should like to see a leader of the Right Independents who would dare to criticise his own party with the same frankness and boldness. "You, Herr Dittmann, were highly delighted when you could quote that part of my report, made to our All-Russia Party Conference in which I spoke of inequality within the party. Yes, we have not yet done away with all inequalities, and we openly confess it. But we shall do away with them; of that we are sure. Let me ask you, however, is there no inequality in your party? Do the advocates, politicians, and in some cases even bankers, who are here on your side, lead the same life as the workers, here on the Left, who have just left their tools, who have come from the mines and factories?" This part of my speech created a big stir in the hall. The shot had hit its mark. I told the German workers that when they came to power, some alien elements would try to join their party. They would have to take special measures in order to guard their party from the influx of these elements. We were doing the same thing. I added that I was ready to read out those quotations from my speech, which were cited by Dittmann, at any gathering of German workers, and that I was sure the German workers would be on our side. We must, give citizen Martov our most hearty thanks for the failure of the rascally tricks of the Right leaders of the Independents. More than anyone else he was