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be crushed! Only when the working class shall have crushed under its heavy boot the head of this treacherous reptile will their hands be freed to take the field in a final battle against the capitalists, whom the "labour" lieutenants, hired by them, have served so loyally up till now.

The Left Independents, together with the German Communist Party and the best element of the German Communist Labour Party, will now form a great proletarian Communist Party. The bourgeoisie and its hirelings will, of course, not be passive spectators. The counter-revolutionary camp, from the "Orgesch" organisation to the Central Committee of the Right Independents, is perfectly aware of the enormous danger which the Communist Party presents to the bourgeois order, considering that 500–600 thousand men will immediately join it. The new Communist Party will, like a huge magnet, draw to itself the best elements of all the labour organisations. Those bourgeois fools who welcomed the split in the Independent Party will soon show their fangs when they see that the split was only one side of the medal, while the other side was the unification of all the best elements in the Labour movement into one powerfll Communist Party. There is an end to flabbiness. The K.A.P.D. (the German Communist Labour Party) have already decided to amalgamate, and we are sure that the overwhelming majority of the best workers, who are members o£ the K.A.P.D., will not remain passive, and that they will be the united Communist Party which is now being organised.

The bourgeoise clique and their flunkey brethren, the Right Independents and the Scheidemannists, will undoubtedly heap persecutions on the new party, and they will try to do it as soon as possible in order to prevent the new party from properly organising itself. We have scarcely any doubts that when it will come to serious collisions and the bourgeoisie decides that it is time for a new massacre of the German working class, the bourgeoisie will again entrust this delicate task to the gentlemen of the Social Democratic Party. The bourgeoisie will one way or another attempt to set up a government, in which the chief responsibility will rest on the Social Democrats. Most likely the German bourgeoisie will invite the Right Wing of the Independents to enter that government. The