be at an end, and you shall receive such rich presents from me that your wealth will equal that of your Brother.’
Thereupon he gave him plenty of gold, lands, fields, and flocks, and enriched him with precious stones, so that the other Brother’s wealth could not be compared with his.
Now, when the rich Brother heard what his Brother with the single Turnip had acquired, he envied him, and pondered how he might gain a like treasure for himself.
But he wanted to show himself much cleverer, so he took

So the rich Brother had to put his Brother’s Turnip into a cart, and have it taken home.
The King took the present, saying that he could give him in return nothing rarer or better than the huge Turnip.
So the rich Brother had to put his Brother’s Turnip into a cart, and have it taken home.
Then he did not know on whom to expend his wrath and bitterness, till evil thoughts came to him, and he determined to kill his Brother.
He hired Murderers, who were to place themselves in