Page:Grimshaw, Bagshaw and Bradshaw.djvu/24

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Fan. Then here's the man to do it. (seeing Bagshaw, who puts his head in at door l. c.)
Bag. The coast seems clear.
Fan. Mr. Bagshaw! (Bagshaw pops his head back again) Mr. Bagshaw, I say—you needn't be afraid—there's no danger.
Bag. (putting his head in again) You're quite sure?
Fan. (impatiently) Yes, yes!

Bagshaw enters, comes down c.

Now, Mr. Bagshaw, one good turn deserves another. Thanks to us, you have escaped from the clutches of Mr. Towzer,—prove your gratitude by taking this letter to its address immediately, (gives him Emily's letter) it's only in the next street.
Bag. Of course I will—you're sure Towzer's gone?
Fan. Yes; besides, he couldn't recognize you in the dark.
Bag. That's very true, especially as he has never seen me. (looks at letter) What's this?—Bradshaw!—not Bob Bradshaw?
Emily. Yes.
Bag. Commercial traveler?
Emily. Yes.
Bag. In the fancy chip and bonnet line?
Emily. Yes—do you know him?
Bag. Know him? we're inseparable! I borrowed thirteen and sixpence of him, five years ago, and I have never seen him since. I'll go to him this moment. (going) By the bye, the twelve pounds ten I spoke of just now—here they are. (pulling out purse) Now if I should run against Towzer, I may be obliged to pay him; Amelia Jones will then be done out of her watch and chain, so I'll leave 'em behind me.
Fan. Very well; here, put the purse in this drawer. (opens drawer, and Bagshaw puts purse in it.)
Bag. Now I'm off! No message, I suppose—merely deliver the letter? All right! (takes his mutilated hat off table and puts it on) Holloa! (takes hat off) this can't be my hat—it must be your big brother's! I wouldn't own such a thing. (puts on Grimshaw's hat, which is much too small for him, and goes towards door, r. h.)
Fan. No, not that way—you can slip out by the back staircase, and I'll close the door after you.