Page:Growing Black Locust Trees.djvu/23

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The injury to the succulent twigs often seriously slows up the current season's growth and deforms the stem. The twig borer is the chief cause of insect damage to young stock growing in nurseries,

Figure 14.—Shipmast locust is a variety of black locust so named because of the unusual straightness of its single uprigbt trunk. These trees, growing in Centerport, Long Island, N. Y., at the age of 65 years, average 95 feet in height and range up to 18 inches in diameter.

and also during the first few years after the trees are planted out. Some degree of control is possible in small nurseries or plantations by cutting and burning the infested twigs near the end of the first and middle of the second period of active injury, namely, in late June and early September.