father, and the flower to which the pollen is carried might be called the mother, so that every seed can be said to have had a mother and a father.
There is something like pollen that starts the eggs of animals growing. This is a very little creature with a very long name. The name is spermatazoon. We shall call it sperm. The sperm is like an animal. It can move. It looks a little bit like the pollywogs that you see in brooks and ponds in the springtime. It seems to be all head and tail, a round little head or body and a very, very, long tail. The sperm is much smaller than the eggs. It is so tiny that you would not be able to see one sperm alone no matter how sharp your eyes might be.
But although one sperm by itself is too small to be seen it is possible for you to see what one million or more sperms crowded together look like. The next time you have fish for dinner ask your mother whether you cannot watch while the fish is split open and cleaned and prepared for cooking. You will find inside the fish either the roe with its thousands of little eggs or some