Page:Guatimala or the United Provinces of Central America in 1827-8.pdf/217

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The following table shows the annual produce for 20 years.

Years. Pounds. Years. Pounds.
1791 1,015,200 1809 732,570
1792 1,139,250 1810 740,820
1793 1,149,800 1811 536,475
1794 789,950 1812 450,425
1795 852,100 1813 257,300
1796 885,100 1814 422,507
1797 763,425 1815 412,781
1798 749,775 1816 376,800
1799 625,612 1817 332,200
1800 802,350 1818 332,200
Pounds, 8,752,562 Pounds, 4,594,078

This statement was officially furnished by the members of the present administration, them its correctness is vouched. Later averages were asked, in order to judge whether the revolution had in any way affected the harvests, the answer received was “In the present day there are not data, to enable us to state the exact number of pounds of indigo, which may have been annually collected from the year 1818 to the present time,—since the disorganization of the states, and the great facility afforded for sending it out of the country by ports, where there are not custom houses absolutely impede it; but it may be considered as certain, that the two last years have produced as much or more, than the highest average quantity; although none has been obtained from the state of Leon.