Page:Guatimala or the United Provinces of Central America in 1827-8.pdf/233

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2000 metallic veins having been discovered in 1825 and 1826, there can be no doubt is grossly exaggerated. Yet there is no better mode of obtaining information, and under present circumstances to expect any thing approaching to satisfactory or correct statements, is quite out of the question.

The mine of Corpus has been for about two years under the direction of an English company, and a considerable number of Cornish miners, under the superintendence of Mr. Moyle, an able mining engineer, have proceeded to it. The disasters and difficulties they have experienced, are of the same character as those suffered by others engaged in similar undertakings. The greater number of the men on their arrival at the coast, fell into habits of drunkenness, and several of them died; while others were obliged to be left sick in the capital. Those who proceeded forward, immediately commenced the clearing out of the water, and the last accounts received were, that the mine appeared very rich, and the prospect flattering, but that hitherto no metal had been extracted. Provisions were very scarce, and of the worst quality, while the surrounding country was in a distracted state, owing to civil tumults.

Results rather more favourable have however, been experienced at the mine of Tabanco, under