Page:Guatimala or the United Provinces of Central America in 1827-8.pdf/296

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not sting, and the other possessing that property in the same degree, as in Europe. The former are the favourites, yet notwithstanding their general character for mildness, we were told that at times they fight with such fury, as to make it requisite to throw over the hive a cloth dipped in some sweet, which attracts their attention, and draws them from the conflict. The bees that sting, yield a species of honey thinner than the others, which will not keep so well.

During our stay in this house, one of the family was suddenly taken ill; and a messenger was immediately despatched to Guatimala for the medical man, who arrived two days afterwards, to see his patient nearly recovered. This dilatory mode of procedure is universal. In country cases, the physician generally comes when the patient is either convalescent or buried. The individual who made his appearance on this occasion, was considered the first of his profession; after the usual excuses for delay, he proceeded to unpack his little box of drugs, which contained purges, tonics and vomits of every description; and taking his patient's pulse, discoursed most learnedly, and at considerable length upon the nature and cause of the disease, which he alternately attributed to nerves, vapours and irritations. For this sapient essay, and sixpence worth of drugs, he received 2oz. of gold. He