Page:Guide through Carlsbad and its environs.djvu/31

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cards, which always is exciting, even if not continued long, and for high stakes.

Dietetics of the Mind.—There is no doubt that if the mind is kept quiet and cheerful during the use of the waters, their beneficial effect will be much assisted; for this reason the patient ought to receive news from home at regular intervals, and all anxiety about business matters, &c., should be cast aside; cheerful company should be sought for, and all worry about his own and other people’s ailments should be avoided; pleasant reading and a little music will benefit many, but the chief resort should be in walks and drives in the beautiful environs of Carlsbad, and the mind should thus be elevated by the cheerful influence of nature.

6. Regulations for Living after the Conclusion of the Cure.

The patient, after the conclusion of the cure, should, for at least four weeks, live in the same way as during his stay at Carlsbad. Business, if possible, should not be resumed; an hour’s walk should be taken every morning, and two or three tumblersful of warm Quellsalz or water should be taken before breakfast, with the addition (if necessary) of ohe teaspoonful of Sprudel salt. Moderation should be observed with regard to eating and drinking. Whether another bathing-