Page:Guide through Carlsbad and its environs.djvu/51

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walk, as in the last instance, down nearly to the Echo, where we turn to the left into a forest-path, which leads us to the already-mentioned Bild, and crossing the road to the Aberg, arrive in about twenty or thirty minutes on the high road to Marienbad. Turning to the left, we reach the village of Hammer, and after taking refreshment in the Mühlengrund, we return to town by omnibus.

14. To the Panorama and Waldschloss.—Starting from the Schulgasse, to the left of the church, we arrive first at the Stephansplatz; then at the villa Lützow, containing several pretty statues of animals; further on at the Stadtgarten, and an open space with a column bearing the statue of the Emperor Charles IV. From this spot a fine view can be obtained. Moving on, we reach the Panorama, where we stop for refreshment, and look at a fine collection of stuffed animals, killed principally in this neighbourhood. By taking the high road to Prague, and turning to the right, we soon arrive at the town. Walking through the forest above the carriage-road, we arrive at the Bellevue Tempel, which presents a charming view, especially about sunset. Descending to the Prager Strasse, we reach the garden of the Eisenquelle, and taking the Eger Strasse, return to town,

15. To the Dreikreuzberg, &c. (Mountain of the Three Crosses).—Starting either from the Schul-