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sharp knife, and fill with whipped cream or the following mixture:
One pint of milk, one egg, two-thirds of a cupful of sugar, one large spoonful of flour. Beat the egg, sugar, flour, and a little salt together till smooth and stir into the boiling milk. Flavor with lemon.
Floating Island
- 1 Quart of Milk
- 4 Eggs
- 1 Cupful of Sugar
- 1 Teaspoonful of Corn-starch
- 1 Teaspoonful of Vanilla
- Pinch of Salt
Put the milk on the stove and heat to nearly the boiling point. Whip whites of the eggs to a stiff froth and drop them by spoonfuls into the hot milk for a few minutes to cook. With a skimmer remove these islands to a plate. Beat the yolks of the eggs with sugar, salt and cornstarch. Stir into the milk until it boils. Flavor and cool. Turn into a glass dish and lay the “islands” on top of the custard. Serve cold.
Huckleberry Dumplings
- 2 Cupfuls of Flour
- 2 Teaspoonfuls of Cream of Tartar
- 1 Teaspoonful of Soda
- ½ Teaspoonful of Salt
- 1 Teaspoonful of Lard