Parlakimidi, 17th Dec., 1915.
My dear Ramadas,
I was about to write to you when your kind letter reached me.
Yes, the Records will be sent to you by (...) if it don’t for there in a week.
I have not read the notice in The Hindu, but I am in communication with the Society. It is proposed to publish memorial edition of your father (...). I would like to write a short biographical note. Will you consult Godavarthi Papayya77 and Venkatarao78 and note down the chief incidents with dates. I know how to bring out their significance. Kondala Rao79 will perhaps tell you something almost his childhood. Born in-Elementary education (from 31 class up to 6th we read together). Time spent with Chandrasekhara Sastri80 school master (how long)-Head Clerk Taluk Divn. Office (how long)-with Ananda Gajapathi-The present Rani-his habits-educationist (...) domestic life (...). Have you (...).
Mr.Yates wired to me three days ago his condolences.
Yours sincerely, G. V. Ramamurthy