Page:Guy Boothby - The Beautiful White Devil.djvu/259

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overlooked by the neighbours. Then the day before the business comes off we must find an invalid carriage, engage a Pullman car for Portsmouth, and hire a yacht for a voyage to the Cape."

"It will mean simply superhuman labour, if it is all to be accomplished in a fortnight."

"It will, but I don't think either of us is afraid of work. Aren't we fighting for what is more precious to her than her life? Yes! We'll do it between us. Don't you doubt that. Now I must be off again; I've a lot to do before I can get to bed to-night, By the way, will it be convenient for you if I call here at half-past five to-morrow morning? We must be at the coach-builder's by seven o'clock."

"Come at three if you like, you will find me quite ready."

"Then good-night."

He went away and I to bed. At five o'clock I woke, had a bath, dressed, and went down stairs. Punctually, almost to the minute, a slightly Jewish, black-ringletted man, wearing a profusion of diamonds, put in an appearance, bag in hand. Though I should never have recognised him as Walworth I felt certain it was he, so I let him in and we went into my study together.

"Now," said my friend, for it was Walworth, as I suspected, "I don't know what you'll say to it, but it's absolutely necessary for the success of our scheme that you should assume some disguise. As you are known to be the affianced husband of her ladyship, the police will be certain to have their eyes on you."

"Do with me as you like," I replied; "I am in your hands entirely."