Page:Guy Mannering Vol 2.djvu/141

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might have puzzled the artist himself to explain.

'Is chess a very interesting game, papa?'

'I am told so,' without honouring me with his attention.

'I should think so, from the attention Mr Hazlewood and Lucy are bestowing on it.'

"He raised his head hastily, and held his pencil suspended for an instant. Apparently he saw nothing that excited his suspicions, for he was resuming the folds of a Mahratta's turban in tranquillity, when I interrupted him with—'How old is Miss Bertram, sir?'

'How should I know, Miss?—about your own age, I suppose.'

'Older, I should think, sir. You are always telling me how much more decorously she goes through all the honours of the tea-table–Lord, papa, what if you should give her a right to preside once and for ever!'