Page:Guy Mannering Vol 2.djvu/188

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very honestly, and gae something to the chamber-maid, nae doubt, for Grizy has naething frae me, bye twa pair o' new shoon ilka year, and may be a bit compliment at Hansel Monanday———" Here Glossin found it necessary to interfere, and bring the good woman back to the point.

"Ou than, he just said, if there comes such a person to enquire after Mr Brown, you will say I am gone to look at the skaters on Loch Creeran, as you call it, and I will be back here to dinner—But he never came back—though I expected him sae faithfully, that I gae a look to making the friar's chicken mysell, and to the crappit-heads too, and that's what I dinna do for ordinary, Mr Glossin—But little did I think what skating wark he was ganging about—to shoot Mr Charles, the innocent lamb!"

Mr Glossin, having, like a prudent examinator, suffered his witness to give vent to all her surprise and indignation, now began to enquire whether the suspected