Page:Guy Mannering Vol 2.djvu/232

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us how Kennedy had given the information. The gypsies and Kennedy had some quarrel besides. He went to the East Indies in the same ship with your younker, and, sapperment! knew him well, though the other did not remember him. Gab kept out of his eye though, as he had served the States against England, and was a deserter to boot; and he sent us word directly, that we might know of his being here—though it does not concern us a rope's end."

"So he really is in this country then, Hatteraick, between friend and friend?"

"Wetter and donner, yaw! What do you take me for?"

"A blood-thirsty, fearless miscreant!" thought Glossin internally, but said aloud, "And which of your people was it that shot young Hazlewood?"

"Sturm-wetter! do ye think we were mad?—none of us, man—Gott! the country was too hot for the trade already with that d–d frolic of Brown."