Page:Guy Mannering Vol 2.djvu/249

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"You never come down to see your eld acquaintances on the Ellangowan property, Mr Sampson—You would find most of the old stagers still stationary there. I have too much respect for the late family to disturb old residenters, even under pretence of improvement.—Besides it's not my way—I don't like it—I believe, Mr Sampson, Scripture particularly condemns those who oppress the poor, and remove land- marks."

"Or who devour the substance of orphans," subjoined the Dominie. "Anathema, Maranatha!" So saying, he rose, shouldered the folio which he had been perusing, faced to the right about, and marched out of the room with the strides of a grenadier.

Mr Glossin, no way disconcerted, or at least feeling it necessary not to appear so, turned to young Hazlewood, who was apparently busy with the newspaper. "Any news, sir?"—Hazlewood raised his eyes, looked at him, and pushed the paper towards him, as if to a stranger in a coffee-