Page:Guy Mannering Vol 2.djvu/251

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its quite time enough, and I love to see a young gentleman cautious. But I was talking of your wound—I think I have got a clue to that business—I think I have—and if I do not bring the fellow to condign punishment!"

"I beg your pardon, sir, once more—but your zeal outruns my wishes. I have every reason to think the wound was accidental—certainly it was not premeditated. Against ingratitude and premeditated treachery, should you find any one guilty of them, my resentment will be as warm as your own."

Another rebuff, thought Glossin; I must try him upon the other tack.— "Right, sir; very nobly said! I would have no more mercy on an ungrateful man than I would on a woodcock—And now we talk of sport, (this was a sort of diverting of the conversation which Glossin had learned from his former patron) I see you often carry a gun, and I hope you will be soon able to take the field again, I ob-