Page:Guy Mannering Vol 2.djvu/260

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"The gentleman that was lately sheriff of this county is high in reputation; I will give you a card of introduction to him."

"What I like about you, Mr Mac-Morlan," said the Colonel, "is, that you always come straight to the point. Let me have it instantly–shall we tell Miss Lucy her chance of becoming an heiress?"

"Surely, because you must have some powers from her which I will instantly draw out. Besides, I will be caution for her prudence, and that she will consider it only in the light of a chance."

Mac-Morlan judged well. It could not be discerned from Miss Bertram's manner, that she founded exulting expectations upon the prospect thus unexpectedly opening before her. She did indeed, in the course of the evening, ask Mr Mac-Morlan, as if by accident, what might be the annual income of the Hazlewood property; but shall we therefore aver for certain that she was considering whe-