Page:Guy Mannering Vol 2.djvu/270

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"But, my good girl, I am a stranger, and my business express–Will you tell me where I can find him?"

"His honour," said the chairman, "will be at Clerihugh's about this time–Hersell could hae tauld ye that, but she thought ye wanted to see his house."

"Well then, shew me to this tavern—I suppose he will see me, as I come on business of some consequence?"

"I dinna ken, sir," said the girl, "he does nae like to be disturbed on Saturdays wi' business–but he's aye civil to strangers."

"I'll gang to the tavern too," said our friend Dinmont, "for I am a stranger and on business e'en sic like."

"Na," said the hand-maiden, "an he see the gentleman, he'll see the simple body too–but, Lord's sake, dinna say it was me sent ye there."

"Atweel, I am a simple body that's true, hinny, but I am no come to steal ony o' his skill for naething," said the farmer in his