Page:Guy Mannering Vol 2.djvu/344

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coast before now—the case of Smuggler versus Exciseman."

"What then is your conjecture concerning the fate of the child?"

"O, murdered too, doubtless. He was old enough to tell what he had seen, and these scoundrels would not scruple committing a second Bethlehem massacre if they thought their interest required it."

The Dominie groaned deeply, and ejaculated, "Enormous!"

"Yet there was mention of gypsies in the business too, counsellor, and from what that vulgar-looking fellow said after the funeral"——

"Mrs Margaret Bertram's idea that the child was alive was founded upon the report of a gypsey—I envy you the concatenation, Colonel—it is a shame to me not to have drawn the same conclusion. We'll follow this business up instantly—Here, hark ye, waiter, go down to Luckie Wood's in the Cowgate—ye'Il find my clerk Dri-