Page:Guy Mannering Vol 2.djvu/53

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which had somewhat surprised Brown, though his kind landlady had only noticed it by drawing the bolt as soon as she heard it begin. But on her opening the door to seek the bason and towel, (for she never thought of showing the guest to a separate room), a whole tide of white-headed urchins streamed in, some from the stable, where they had been seeing Dumple, and giving him a welcome home with part of their four-hours scones; others from the kitchen, where they had been listening to auld Elspith's tales and ballads; and the youngest half-naked, out of bed, all roaring to see daddy, and to enquire what he had brought home for them from the various fairs he had visited in his peregrinations. Our knight of the broken head first kissed and hugged them all round, then distributed whistles, penny-trumpets, and gingerbread, and, lastly, when the tumults of their joy and welcome got beyond bearing, exclaimed to his guest—"This is a' the gudewife's fault, captain—she will gie the bairns a' their ain way."